
This page contains links to an array of items for sale on ebay. The items have been sourced from different areas that would otherwise have been added to landfill.
However, this way these great items have a second chance of being useful, played with, put on display etc...
So browse the list below and click any of interest to see whats been added...
More items are added at various times so its a good idea to 'bookmark' this page and come back for updates...


Books   –   Comics    –    Magazines

Camera Equipment

Clothes for:  Men  –  Women  –  Children

Computer Accessories


Healthy – Body   –  Hair

Household – Photo frames

                           – Lights

                           – Art + Images

                           – Electrical

                           – Ornament

Kitchen –

                    – Cleaning

                    – Cutlery

                    – Appliances

                    – Microwave

                    – Pots + Pans

                    – Pottery, China + Glass

Media :

                    – Audio

                    – DVD’s

                    – VHS

Royal Mint

TV, DVD, Audio, Video, Sky


Video Games + Consoles


Shopping Cart